The Radio Interface connects one or two Micro System headsets to a radio, forming and autonomous portable intercom and radio system. Connections are provided for an additional radio PTT switch and a music player, telephone or recording device.
The Radio Interface provides the means to connect one or two Micro System headsets to a radio transceiver and other ancillary audio devices. When the interface is used with two headsets, the equipment forms and autonomous portable intercom and radio system which is suitable for use in many applications. The interface accepts interchangeable radio leads to connect to different radios. Each type of lead provides they’re correct physical connection for a particular radio and automatically configures the interface to provide the appropriate electronic operation. By selecting and connecting the correct radio lead, the interface can be used with any radio. An integral PTT switch is provided to control radio transmissions and there is also the facility to connect an additional external PTT switch. The interface provides an audible ‘Key Tone’ in the headset which confirms when either PTT switch is pressed or released. In addition to the primary radio connection, the interface can be connected simultaneously to most modern audio devices including mobile telephones, music players and sound or video recording equipment. For connection to professional recording devices, the interface provides audio output at both ‘Microphone Level’ and ‘Line Level’. All the sound that can be heard in the headsets can be recorded using this method. During use, the interface monitors the radio and automatically reduces the volume of the audio input during radio transmission and reception. This automatic mute feature provides radio priority over any telephone or music input, A buffer delay holds the mute on during radio exchanges and pauses in radio reception. The interface has a built-in belt clip and may be mounted permanently using Velcro, screws, tube clips or cable tie saddles.