DAC Vandal and Weather Resistant Phone Range
DAC's mission statement:
Promote unequivocal excellence in all aspects of the company. Profit from honesty and integrity. Encourage innovation, professionalism and quality.
UK Network Rail Approved
DAC have received Network Rail Acceptance for their range of Vandal and Weather Resistant Telephones. Network Rail is the not for profit owner and operator of much of the UK's railway infrastructure. DAC developed a solar powered stand alone phone solution for use in remote locations without cable instrastructure.
The DAC RA708 was chosen by British Network Rail as ‘the preferred telephone model – and the phone of choice,’ selected following trials and proven ‘more reliable.’
DAC Limited have supplied GSM-R Level Crossing Telephones for installation on the remote Wherry line route at three key crossings(see below image). The rural nature of this route demonstrates perfectly the advantages of the Network Rail approved DAC GSM / GSM-R Telephone.

DAC Phones on the Utraphimuk Elevated Tollway
DAC were asked to provide emergency phones for the 30 km stretch of Utraphimuk Elevated Tollway in Thailand. The “Don Muang Tollway Public Company Limited” was also considering another manufacturer from China and requested a trial of both sets of telephones. The trial was conducted over a two month period exposing a number of issues with the Chinese telephone becoming non-functional due to the extreme heat and rain. DAC telephones functioned well during the trial without issue and were chosen for the project.