Ordering and Quotes
If you are not in a position to immediately place an order and pay for your goods but must first obtain a quote, or due to various uncertainties we have not displayed a price, the QUOTE feature enables you to request a quote for a single item, or to build a list of products in the same way as the checkout cart operates. Once the list is complete you can submit it to us and we will email a quotation to you.
Alternatively you can obtain a quote for your products by emailing us at sales@n2.co.nz, or by completing the form on our CONTACT US page, or call us on 0800 6226667.
- Using our shopping cart- Find a product from the category menus or the search and click the "Add to Cart" button. Add as many products to the cart as you need. Then go to the Checkout and enter your details. See below for the payment methods we accept.
- By email- feel free to email your order to us.
- By Phone- call us to discuss your needs on 0800 6226667 or for international callers, +64 4 2329055.
- On Account– You can organize opening an account using the Signup feature at the top right-hand corner of the Home Page screen. Once you have an account set up with us, you can order via our shopping cart and choose your payment method including paying on invoice.
We accept the following methods of payment:
- Credit/Debit Card- choose Credit Card as the payment method at the checkout
- PayPal- choose PayPal as the payment method at the checkout
- Bank Deposit / Internet Banking- choose Bank Deposit as the payment method at the checkout
- Invoice- choose "Invoice" as the payment method at the checkout
- contact us to place your order by email or phone
Unless otherwise stated, all prices are exclusive of freight and GST.